Hey there! Long time no see huh?

Actually yeah when's the last time I used this thing..?


In april.

Yeah that won't do.

The "What have I been up to section".

So. Summer happened!

To summarize, I went to the south of the island with some friends for a week. It was great! It was really hot and there were cockroaches everywhere. I drank water with ice from a cauldron and finally got to watch the sequel to Back to the Future! (I actively disliked it.)

Then I spent some time with my family. Nothing impressive.

Academically the previous year ended up being a complete failure, but I'm sure it won't turn out that way again, right? Hopefully not!

So far the year itself is great. The computer engineering's building is being "repaired" (I'm pretty sure they're just demolishing the whole thing with hammers), so we get to have every class in a completely random building of the faculty. It's tedious, but at least I make use of the bus card.

Aand that's pretty much it! As of recent news... I'm gonna save a big one for a later entry (gotta keep the audience hooked), so for now I'll just reveal that in half an hour I'm gonna get me a bubble tea with... Oh yeah I haven't introduced this person! Well... The last friend got the nickname of beluga2... So this person can be uhh... Id say armadillo5 is a nice fit. Yeahh why not. Armadillos are cool.

Oh by the way this doesn't have ANYTHING to do with what I said previously but... You know this is my blog, and I feel like talking about Homestuck so... Yeah.

I've been reading the new Beyond Canon updates recently, and... Well, I'll have to say I was expecting the story to follow up in kind of a mediocre way. Not the proudest of that sentiment but, honestly I think I was quite forgiving compared to any other opinion on the internet. But I have to say! All the updates after James Roach took over have surprised me quite a lot! They're not only entertaining, but you can feel them slowly steering away from the blunders!

The thing that's currently on my mind is... You see, I usually read the update whenever it comes out, then search the newest LaureledEevees video on Youtube, mostly so I can have like a second point of view. It's probably not the most practical way to do it but hey, it does the trick.

But her most recent video did have some problems that left me oh so confused. I'll be honest, the first time I watched nothing felt wrong, cause I was only half listening.

But then she got to this page (Spoilers, duh.)

She was somehow extremely certain that the page was referencing the Trump assasination attempt, and seemed extremely bothered about it??? She spent like a third of the video just sitting there, sighing?

Like listen, don't get me wrong, I'm not that up to date with politics, and also kind of an idiot. But c'mon! That sentence is not correlated to that event, and it's a fairly common saying! What so now everytime some character tries to kill another one in a piece of media they're making a reference to that?

And it doesn't end there! Honestly I wouldn't mind it if it was just that, but the girl had to go on record making a community post talking about how disrespectful it was from the Beyond Canon team and how distressed she was? I swear I've never seen so many comments disagreeing with the creator in a small channel like that.

And THEN, I dare rewatch the video and turns out I missed some part of it where she just starts saying that if someone doesn't believe in Christianity they're outright wrong? Out of the blue? Like ma'am, I am religious myself, but you need to chill tf out.

Anyways it wasn't like a huge drama or anything, I'll probably keep watching her reactions unless she decides to come back with the topic. It just annoyed me and wanted to rant.

Oh shoot! 7 minutes until armadillo5 gets out of her class! I better stop writing here. I swear the next post won't be about Homestuck. See you all!